Thursday 27 October 2011

2-D Shapes







RM1 = One Ringgit Malaysia

RM2 = Two Ringgit Malaysia

RM5.00 = Five Ringgit Malaysia

RM10.00 = Ten Ringgit Malaysia

RM50 = Fifty Ringgit Malaysia

RM100 = One Hundred Ringgit Malaysia


RM0.05 =Five cents

RM0.10 = Ten cents

 RM0.20 = Twenty cents

 RM0.50 = Fifty cents

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Symbol Divide

Long Division with Remainders

When we are given a long division to do it will not always work out to a whole number.
Sometimes there will be numbers left over. These are known as remainders.
Taking an example similar to that on the Long Division page it becomes more clear:
435 ÷ 25
(If you feel happy with the process on the Long Division page you can skip the first bit.)
4 ÷ 25 = 0 remainder 4 The first number of the dividend is divided by the divisor.
  The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.
25 × 0 = 0 The answer from the first operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the number divided into.
4 – 0 = 4 Now we take away the bottom number from the top number.
  Bring down the next number of the dividend.
43 ÷ 25 = 1 remainder 18 Divide this number by the divisor.
  The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.
25 × 1 = 25 The answer from the above operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the last number divided into.
43 – 25 = 18 Now we take away the bottom number from the top number.
  Bring down the next number of the dividend.
185 ÷ 25 = 7 remainder 10 Divide this number by the divisor.
  The whole number result is placed at the top. Any remainders are ignored at this point.
25 × 7 = 175 The answer from the above operation is multiplied by the divisor. The result is placed under the number divided into.
185 – 175 = 10 Now we take away the bottom number from the top number.
    There is still 10 left over but no more numbers to bring down.
  With a long division with remainders the answer is expressed as 17 remainder 10 as shown in the diagram

Answer: 435 ÷ 25 = 17 R 10


Monday 24 October 2011


What is Multiplication?

Multiplication is a process that we use to find the result when we multiply numbers together, for example: 12 times 33 equals 396

In mathematics we usually use symbols instead of words though, for multiplication sums you need to know that:

the symbol for times is ×         and        the symbol for equals is  =

so the above sum would change to be: 12 ×  33 = 396
On paper it is easier to solve these sums if you write them out in a different way:
 × 33
+ 360

                                              Times Table




What is Subtraction?

Subtraction is a process that we use to find the result of taking numbers away from each other, for example: 45 minus 12 equals 33

In mathematics we usually use symbols instead of words though, for subtraction sums you need to know that:

the symbol for minus is -       and          the symbol for equals is =
so the above sum would change to be: 33 - 12 = 45
On paper it is easier to solve these sums if you write them out in a different way:
- 12



Thursday 20 October 2011


What is Addition?
Addition is a process that we use to find the result of adding numbers together, for example:   12 plus 33 equals 45

In mathematics we usually use symbols instead of words though, for additon sums you need to know that:

the symbol for plus is  +                 and               the symbol for equals is   =

so the above sum would change to be:   12+33=45
On paper it is easier to solve these sums if you write them out in a different way:

+ 33
